Friday, August 5, 2016

Toddler Travels

I have been traveling with my little bear since he was 4 months old. We've been to Japan and Thailand before he turned one. Taiwan before he turned two and Hong Kong, Cambodia and Vietnam before he turned three. Aside from international trips we have also been bringing him around to our local travels. May it be travel to Tagaytay, Nueva Ecija, Bataan, Baguio and he has even travelled with just his Titas and my Mom to Palawan.

It was never the same trip with him. They say that the more you travel with your child you would know how they would most likely behave or react to the situation they are in. But travelling with my little bear has been a wonderful learning experience. There is always something that I learn each time we travel. I cannot always expect that our last smooth airplane ride with him will be the same smooth airplane ride with him the next time.

Toddlers are different from adults. They are always developing and I must say that my little bear is the eager to learn type of toddler. He gets curious with his surroundings thus being the active child he is.

Now that he is in his terrible two and almost nearing his terrifying three here are some of the things that I have been doing during our flights that I want to share with you:

Know your Child
  • Knowing your child is the most important thing for me. You have to know your child in order to understand him/her on why he/she is acting that way. When you know your child you would know which approach would work well for him/her. Knowing your child would also be in handy to know what is that he/she needs. Simple body actions or crankiness on my little boy's part would signal me that he is sleepy or hungry. Knowing your child well enough would also give you the knowledge of his sleeping patterns. Knowing his sleeping patterns would help booking flights. If you can book flights during the time that he sleeps so that he can sleep throughout the flight.

  • When you know our child you can very well know how to manage your expectations and know what to expect when traveling with him/her and how the flight might go. When I also say manage expectations this not only means managing your own expectations and your companions expectation but also your child's expectations. I know its a bit too much to manage a child's expectation. You might think that I'm out of my mind and that children don't have expectations. Well, for my I tell André in advance that we are going to ride the plane, where we are going, what we are going to do, what he needs to do inside the plane and so on. But know that no matter how behaved your child might be he/she at one point might not do what you say. Always be open to unexpected things. This brings me to my next tip.


  • Things will not always go your way. Unexpected things may or may not happen but longer patience and understanding to your toddler is all that they need. Sometimes they can be sleepy on a flight but is feeling discomfort which makes them act grumpy and irritated. Moments like this he needs you to be more understanding and patient with him. Shouting or reprimanding him might just make things worst. Try to understand what is it that they are feeling, why are they acting as such and what is it that they need.

  • Being on a plane makes you restricted of the things you can do with your toddler. You can't just let him loose and run inside the plane during the whole flight just so he can enjoy himself. You cannot also bring all of his toys with you. What I do during flights is that I entertain André with the in flight magazines, with the shawl that I have or whatever I see that can entertain him. I also make sure that I pack small snacks for him that he can eat during the flight. I also bring small cars (matchbox) with me since he loves cars and he always want to have a car with him wherever he goes. But if all else fails, I mean all else we would let him borrow the iPad wherein there are saved videos and games which will entertain him and as much as possible I would limit his screen time.

Have enough REST before your flight

  • I find this tip very helpful and important coming from our most recent trip to Cambodia wherein I  came straight to work with no sleep. I have zero energy and couldn't function well. Always make sure to have enough rest before a flight with a toddler because you never know when you will be needing that extra energy to run after your toddler. Plus you would need a lot of energy during your flight if your toddler doesn't sleep throughout your flight wherein you have to entertain and watch over him/her.

Have a Travel Buddy or a Companion

  • This I have always believed to be important even during our first flight with André. Having a companion with you makes the load lesser. You can share responsibilities with that person. In my case, most of the time my travel companion would be my husband. He would watch over André while I sleep and then I will watch over André while he sleeps. That way we both get to rest and share the load. Traveling alone with a toddler would be very hard. Unless you really have to.

In summary, traveling with a toddler is a fun learning experience because you get to know your child better and get to spend quality time with him/her. Plus you get to enjoy and share the experience with them in visiting new places. It can be tough but as long as you know your child, you manage yours and their expectation, have longer patience and understanding, be ready and creative, have enough rest before the flight and above all have someone with you then everything would work out fine. If not then it can be a learning experience for you and try new tips next time. Above all enjoy and have fun with your child.


Thursday, April 9, 2015

How to Apply for a Taiwan Tourist Visa for Filipinos

How to Apply for a Taiwan Tourist Visa for Filipinos
I was always intrigued on what there is in Taiwan. What to do, what to see and where to go. It is not a popular choice like Japan or Korea. So to help out those interested in going to Taiwan here is a post on how I applied for a visa.
There is actually two ways Filipino tourists can enter Taiwan: (1) by applying for a standard tourist visa, or (2) by qualifying for visa-free entry which is a very easy and fast process. Here’s how you do both (which I happen to do).

For Philippine passport holders with valid US, CANADA, UK, JAPAN, and/or SCHENGEN visas, you can bypass the visa application process and get a travel authorization certificate online for free. Just fill up the form on their WEBSITE, print out the certificate, and you’re good to go. This will be good for multiple entries within thirty (30) days of its issue date, so be sure to fill this out no earlier than a month before your trip. Also make sure that all the details you entered are correct and complete.
For a more detailed explanation here is the step by step:
Visit the website will look like this:
Click on this image which can be found on the right side of the page:

It will redirect you to this:

Click on your preferred language and from there just continue on and remember to fill out all the required fields correctly.

Then print out the certificate. You will then present this to the immigration together with your return tickets.
Tourist Visa

If you don’t have a valid visa to the countries mentioned above, then you’ll need to apply for a Taiwan tourist visa.


Here are the basic documents you’ll need to file your application.

1.     Valid Philippine passport. Must have at least 6 months remaining validity. Any old passports can be submitted as well.
2.     A completed visa application form. Go to their WEBSITE to fill out and print the form. Note that the Taiwan embassy does not accept handwritten
Select General Visa Application
Once you’ve filled out and printed the form, please be sure to submit this together with all other requirements within fifteen (15) days. Otherwise, you’ll need to fill out the form again. Please also make sure to check and re-check your information as it SHOULD BE CORRECT AND MATCH THE DETAILS ON YOUR DOCUMENTS. Again ALWAYS ALWAYS DOUBLE CHECK YOUR INFORMATION.
In order to avoid delays in processing visa applications, please take note of the following details when completing the Visa Application Form online:
(a) For the Given Name section, please enter both your First name and Middle name in the box provided. (e.g. Given Name: Jose Protacio )
(b) Only English letters are allowed. All special characters (“-”, “.”) and non-English letters (“ñ”) should be omitted.
(e.g. “M. Kendrick André Jr.” must be M Kendrick Andre Jr)
(c) If Surname, Given name, ID No or Email are not applicable, please leave them blank. If Former or Other Name, Chinese Name, Former or Other Nationality are not applicable, please enter NONE
(d) If your Occupation, for example “Transactions Advisor”, is not fond on the ready-made list, please choose other
(e) The complete “Name and Address of Employer or School” should be provided.
In filling up the “Date” section, please use the calendar box function instead of manually typing the date.
Enter the name and contact information of the family member, friend, company or school in Taiwan which you are in contact with, or enter NONE if not available.
Please double check all information before clicking “Submit”. In case of errors in spelling, please use the mouse to drag the cursor over the wrong letter or word, then press “backspace” to clear that portion. Keyboard “Delete” Function is disable.
3.    Two (2) 1.5″ x 2″ passport photos against a white background taken within the last three (3) months. Sign the backs of both photos and paste one of them on the form. Put the other in clear plastic and attach to the form.
4.    NSO-provided birth certificate issued within the last year.
5.    NSO-provided marriage certificate. Obviously, this only applies to married applicants. Single applicants can ignore this.
NOTE: Prepare a photocopy of these documents should you wish to have the NSO copy returned to you. They will just keep the photocopy instead of the original NSO copy.
Depending on your purpose of travel, these are the additional documents that you’ll need to provide. Again, whenever possible, submit originals together with photocopies. They should return the originals when you come back to claim your passport, hopefully with the approved visa.
1.    Recent bank certificate
2.    Certificate of employment (if employed)
3.    Photocopy of company ID (if employed)
4.    Certificate of business registration (if self-employed)
5.    Copy of your previous visas (if you have)
6.    Any other supporting documents that can shore up your application like confirmed round-trip tickets, hotel reservations, property titles, and pay slips. Basically anything that can prove you have commitments tying you to Manila.
Together with the above tourist visa supporting documents, applicants traveling on business must also submit the following:
1.    Business letter or trading records from Taiwanese company
2.    Certificate of business name registration and SEC registrationif company owner)
3.    Invitation letter from Taiwanese company/organization in Chinese letterhead clearly outlining purpose of visit and duration of stay
4.    Formal request letters from concerned authorities for official trip
5.    Seminar program (if applicable)
You can now submit your application and documents to the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office. Filing of applications can be done from Monday-Friday, 8:45AM-11:45AM. Their office is located on the 41st floor of Tower 1, RCBC Plaza, 6819 Ayala Avenue, Makati. There is no need for personal appearance. Anybody can submit your visa application as long as it’s complete. As of this writing, visa processing fees are as follows:
Visa Fee: P2,100.00 (Single entry)/ P4,200.00 (Multiple entry)
(NON-REFUNDABLE) payable upon filing of application
Processing Time : 3 Working days
Expedite Fee for single entry : P1,050.00 / Processing Time: 1 Working Day
Expedite Fee for Multiple entry : P2,100.00 / Processing Time: 1 Working Day
After submitting your documents and paying, you’ll be given a receipt which you (or a representative) will need to present after three (3) working days for regular processing to claim your passport. Releasing times are from Monday-Friday, 1:45PM-4:45PM.
Unlike visa-free entry, Taiwan tourist visas are good for single-entry only and allow a maximum stay of fourteen (14) days. They’re valid for thirty (30) days from the date of issue so it’s best to apply for your visa 1-2 weeks before your trip.
·         Be there early! Application starts at 8:45 am and ends at 11:45 am so be there before 8:45. Since I had to get my bank certificate I arrived there a bit late and agency representatives were already there. Because of this my waiting time was around 1 hour. I suggest you go there around 8:15-8:30 and go straight to the registration area. Make sure that you get your number by 8:45 and before you go up the embassy since the releasing of number is done at the registration area.
·         Bring a valid ID - They do not accept Philhealth ID. What I gave was my SSS ID. But don’t worry if you don’t have a government ID you can give any ID BUT you must give Php 1,000 as "security fee"--don't worry it will be given back to you once you're done.
·         WAIT and BE ATTENTIVE – when inside the embassy take a seat and wait for your number. Be attentive to the board since there is no buzzer sound when the next number is up. If your number is missed you need to get a new number. They also do not call the number.
·         Hand over your documents When it’s your turn hand over your documents properly. The consul will review it ask you of you want it to be processed normally or rush processing. Then you will wait for you to be called to the next window which is the cashier.
·         Payment – They have a no refund policy. So before applying make sure that you your trip is within a few weeks so that your visa will still be valid. Keep the receipt and show it after 3 working days for normal processing and 1 day for rush processing.
·         Be there early! Same procedure with the application the only difference is that the releasing time is done in the afternoon 1:45 pm – 4:45 pm.
·         BRING YOUR RECEIPT – You need this to be able to claim your passport. Please note that no personal appearance is needed. Anyone can claim it as long as they have the receipt.
Best to apply visa 1-2 weeks before your trip.
As long as your documents are complete and accurate you will have a smooth and easy visa application for your Taiwan visa. I hope this post was able to help you. Feel free to leave a comment in case you have questions but just a disclaimer I can only share my personal experience and I’m no expert on this. You can always ask the embassy directly by calling them
Good luck!

Taipei Economic & Cultural Office in the Philippines

41F, Tower 1, RCBC Plaza, 6819 Ayala Avenue, Makati
Tel: +632 887-6688
Office Hours: Mon-Fri, 8:45AM-4:45PM
Filing: Mon-Fri, 8:45AM-11:45PM
Releasing: Mon-Fri, 1:45PM-4:45PM

Taking a new direction

People who knows me and my family knows that we travel a lot. May it be locally or international. So I decided to re-launch my blog about our travel adventures. By this, I’m hoping that my blog would help other people who would love to travel.

I would try to blog about our previous travels and blog about our future travels including our itinerary.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

10 Tips for Traveling with a 4 Month Old

I had a lot of what ifs in my head about out travel to Japan given that our little bear just turned 4 months. A lot of people are telling me not to bring the baby or to just not go to the trip at all. But after the trip I realised a lot of things and although it is best to listen to the advise of the older people it is still best to follow what your heart tells you.

Our Japan trip was the first airplane ride and out of the country trip of my little baby bear. This will be the first trip out of the country trip as a family and from my parent's side it is their first out of the country trip with their grandson and first family trip of a family of 8 travelling. So this trip is a bit special to me and I'm going to share to you what I learned.

1. Reserve seats near the entrance of the plane and if possible book a window seat.
This might not be the most important thing to consider in flying with a 4 month old but it sure helped me since I don't have to go all the way back of the plane just to be seated. It is also convenient to get out of the plane quicker and not to wait in line while the rest of the passengers get their luggage from the overhead and slowly get out of the plane. 

Depending on the airline's regulation you might not be allowed to seat in front with a child due to safety and in cases of emergency.

Now, why the window seat? The window seat will help you rest your head when you sleep and just have something to lean on to other than the back of your seat. I also prefer the window seat as it gives me more privacy in nursing my child compared to the aisle seat.

2. Board the plane first
I think this is important for you to get settled down before the plane takes off.

Get everything you need and put them on the pocket in front of your seat before you put your things on the overhead. It can be hard to move around once the plane has taken off and the baby is on your arms. You might also want to prepare for an extra nappy and wipes just in case. :)

3. Nurse your child during take off and landing
This tip is actually from my pedia. She said that nursing your baby during take off and landing will relieve the pressure from the baby's ears. Babies needs to nurse since unlike adults we know how to take the pressure off our ears. The reason why babies cry during a plane ride is mostly due to the ear pressure.

My tip for nursing moms like me is to wear a comfortable easy access top ands bra so it will be easy to nurse on demand. I also have a shawl or a nursing cover with me.

4. Bring a few toys for the baby
If you can as mush as possible bring small toys only so it won't be hard to carry around. What we had with us during our trip was a small plush toy of a zebra and a giraffe. We brought toys to entertain him.

5. Have a companion with you
Having a companion with you means you have an extra set of hands to help you out with the baby. In my case I had 6 companions with me to help me out. I had my parents, my husband and 3 sisters with me all willing to help out and take turns in taking care of our little bear.


6. Hand carry extra clothes and diapers
This I always make sure to do ever since my experience from our travel to New Zealand where my check-in luggage was left by the airline from our connecting flight.

Always make sure to pack a clothes good for 1-2 days on your hand carry just in case your luggage goes missing. It is also good to pack an extra set of clothes when travelling with a baby just in case something comes up and an extra set of clothes for the baby just in case he soiled his pants. Bring extra blanket too for the baby (just the small baby blanket) for the flight and while waiting to board to keep him warm.

7. Make sure that all the documents you need is on one place
Going through immigration while carrying your bag in one hand and your baby on the other is hard. But knowing where your documents are will make it easier for you to easily grab it and line up for immigration. If you can have a small clutch bag with everything in it it would be more easier.

Also make sure to fill out all immigration papers before the plane lands and before you line up for immigration. Sometimes, if your lucky someone will assist you to the express lane or special lane.

8. Baby carrier is better than bringing a stroller
In our case we did not bring a stroller with us and I found carriers to be more convenient than having a stroller with us. With a carrier I still have my two hands free. Well, one hand because I would still hold on to the carrier. I don't have to fold the carrier when we ride into a car/bus. I can just ride on it at once without me removing him on the carrier. Unlike with strollers, strollers needs to be folded in order to put it inside the car/bus and I need to remove the baby in it too. So transferring him in and out of the stroller will be a hassle especially when we were on the tour. And ale going up and down the stairs is a breeze with a baby carrier than with a stroller.

9. Bring an emergency kit with you
You'll never know what will happen on a trip so it is best to be always prepared. I also brought with me my baby's medicine for fever just in case he gets sick. Buying for baby medicine abroad for a baby is different from buying it at your local store because of the brand and restrictions.

10. Know the climate of the place your going to
Research the climate of the place you are going to and check what are the essentials that you have to bring. In our case, I checked and rechecked before our flight what the climate of Tokyo will be during our stay there. It is best to prepared than to be surprised.

Traveling with a baby is not that bad as you think they are. You will learn a thing or two during moments like this and will know better next time.

What about you?
When did you begin to travel with your little one? Share with your thoughts or any tips you learned along the way.

Friday, August 19, 2011

KL trip with Bie

Hello rainy KL! and I though commuting from the airport going to the hotel was easy. I forgot that we have bags with us. From the budget terminal we had to take a bus going to central station which was 2 or 3 hours long drive and to the central station we have to take a train going to KLCC which was jam packed! When we got of the train I got confused which way to go, we walked a mile or two of the opposite direction and went back to where we started. So much for lost tourist. Then after our walkaton, we approached a car driver and offered us a ride going to the hotel for 20 ringgit which was around Php280.00. Considering that we didn't know where the hotel was and how far it was we took the bait. The cab driver took a few turns and whala! we were there and I just felt that we got tricked. *sigh* I was just thankful that I made this trip with him since he was too protective of me.

After checking in our hotel we went to KLCC to have our dinner and a few tourist shot with the famous Twin Tower. We went back to the hotel since he had to call his office and check his emails (workaholic much).

KL was just our stopover if I may call it, it was a two day trip from our Singapore Trip. For the tour we don't have any planned activity. We're here to relax and enjoy the heat KL have. We just rode the hop in hop off bus which nearly had us miss our train. I was not able to go to the Pavilion to do some shopping for myself and my family because it was sooooo traffic. If we get off the bus to go to the shopping malls it will take us two hours of riding the next bus. Their traffic was worst that EDSA traffic that day wherein I was able to take a nap and when I woke up were still there.

But over all it was fun. I just hope that when we come back together in KL we went hurry and panic this much.
