Wednesday, March 5, 2014

10 Tips for Traveling with a 4 Month Old

I had a lot of what ifs in my head about out travel to Japan given that our little bear just turned 4 months. A lot of people are telling me not to bring the baby or to just not go to the trip at all. But after the trip I realised a lot of things and although it is best to listen to the advise of the older people it is still best to follow what your heart tells you.

Our Japan trip was the first airplane ride and out of the country trip of my little baby bear. This will be the first trip out of the country trip as a family and from my parent's side it is their first out of the country trip with their grandson and first family trip of a family of 8 travelling. So this trip is a bit special to me and I'm going to share to you what I learned.

1. Reserve seats near the entrance of the plane and if possible book a window seat.
This might not be the most important thing to consider in flying with a 4 month old but it sure helped me since I don't have to go all the way back of the plane just to be seated. It is also convenient to get out of the plane quicker and not to wait in line while the rest of the passengers get their luggage from the overhead and slowly get out of the plane. 

Depending on the airline's regulation you might not be allowed to seat in front with a child due to safety and in cases of emergency.

Now, why the window seat? The window seat will help you rest your head when you sleep and just have something to lean on to other than the back of your seat. I also prefer the window seat as it gives me more privacy in nursing my child compared to the aisle seat.

2. Board the plane first
I think this is important for you to get settled down before the plane takes off.

Get everything you need and put them on the pocket in front of your seat before you put your things on the overhead. It can be hard to move around once the plane has taken off and the baby is on your arms. You might also want to prepare for an extra nappy and wipes just in case. :)

3. Nurse your child during take off and landing
This tip is actually from my pedia. She said that nursing your baby during take off and landing will relieve the pressure from the baby's ears. Babies needs to nurse since unlike adults we know how to take the pressure off our ears. The reason why babies cry during a plane ride is mostly due to the ear pressure.

My tip for nursing moms like me is to wear a comfortable easy access top ands bra so it will be easy to nurse on demand. I also have a shawl or a nursing cover with me.

4. Bring a few toys for the baby
If you can as mush as possible bring small toys only so it won't be hard to carry around. What we had with us during our trip was a small plush toy of a zebra and a giraffe. We brought toys to entertain him.

5. Have a companion with you
Having a companion with you means you have an extra set of hands to help you out with the baby. In my case I had 6 companions with me to help me out. I had my parents, my husband and 3 sisters with me all willing to help out and take turns in taking care of our little bear.


6. Hand carry extra clothes and diapers
This I always make sure to do ever since my experience from our travel to New Zealand where my check-in luggage was left by the airline from our connecting flight.

Always make sure to pack a clothes good for 1-2 days on your hand carry just in case your luggage goes missing. It is also good to pack an extra set of clothes when travelling with a baby just in case something comes up and an extra set of clothes for the baby just in case he soiled his pants. Bring extra blanket too for the baby (just the small baby blanket) for the flight and while waiting to board to keep him warm.

7. Make sure that all the documents you need is on one place
Going through immigration while carrying your bag in one hand and your baby on the other is hard. But knowing where your documents are will make it easier for you to easily grab it and line up for immigration. If you can have a small clutch bag with everything in it it would be more easier.

Also make sure to fill out all immigration papers before the plane lands and before you line up for immigration. Sometimes, if your lucky someone will assist you to the express lane or special lane.

8. Baby carrier is better than bringing a stroller
In our case we did not bring a stroller with us and I found carriers to be more convenient than having a stroller with us. With a carrier I still have my two hands free. Well, one hand because I would still hold on to the carrier. I don't have to fold the carrier when we ride into a car/bus. I can just ride on it at once without me removing him on the carrier. Unlike with strollers, strollers needs to be folded in order to put it inside the car/bus and I need to remove the baby in it too. So transferring him in and out of the stroller will be a hassle especially when we were on the tour. And ale going up and down the stairs is a breeze with a baby carrier than with a stroller.

9. Bring an emergency kit with you
You'll never know what will happen on a trip so it is best to be always prepared. I also brought with me my baby's medicine for fever just in case he gets sick. Buying for baby medicine abroad for a baby is different from buying it at your local store because of the brand and restrictions.

10. Know the climate of the place your going to
Research the climate of the place you are going to and check what are the essentials that you have to bring. In our case, I checked and rechecked before our flight what the climate of Tokyo will be during our stay there. It is best to prepared than to be surprised.

Traveling with a baby is not that bad as you think they are. You will learn a thing or two during moments like this and will know better next time.

What about you?
When did you begin to travel with your little one? Share with your thoughts or any tips you learned along the way.