Saturday, March 15, 2008

Love for Travel

I'm not sure how young I was when I first ride a plane. I think I was almost a year old. My parents can't remember when it was but they also think it was before or after I turned one but not more than one.

Below are pictures of me and my family while on board.

my sister, me and our dad

our mom, me and my sister (this is a not so cute picture. haha)

As a family we travel a lot. May it be by land, air or water. We would almost always have a weekend get away out of town just so that we would spend the weekends together. My dad was strict about having weekends especially Sunday as a family day wherein as much as possible we should not go anywhere or schedule anything with friends.

It was through my parents that I learned to love travelling. It is my stress reliever. Some of my friends would tell me that I spend to much travelling (other than shopping :) ). Then when I would ask them if they would like to go on a vacation with me they would always say that going out of the country is too expensive or would eat too much from their savings. So I make sure that in every trip I make whoever I'm with we would enjoy ourselves but it won't cost us an arm and a leg or at least spend within the budget I gave them.

Going back, the reason why me family travel a lot is because my parents wants to enjoy life while their young and while they can go anywhere they want. It is them who made me realize that it won't matter how much money you have and how hard you have worked if you can't enjoy it. So while you can never miss the opportunity to travel.

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