Monday, March 31, 2008

Summer in New Zealand

New Zealand is an island country in the south-western and was said to be the last lands to be settled by humans due to its remoteness.

(view from the plane)

Together with my mom, grandmother and elder sister we went to New Zealand to spend a one month vacation and to attend my cousin’s wedding. But before we were able to go to New Zealand we have to apply for a visa to enter. For information regarding who needs and does not need a visa you can click here and for some who wants to know the requirement you can click here.

The trip to New Zealand was rather long. We had one connecting flight from Hong Kong then a 10 hour flight going to New Zealand – Auckland, then another plane ride going to Wellington because that is where we are going to stay.

We rode Philippine Airlines going to Hong Kong Airport then Air New Zealand going to Auckland and Wellington.

(my boarding passes)

Since the flight going to New Zealand was super long (including the wait for the connecting flight) I was looking forward for the plane food. It was on the so-so side. We also had another meal during the flight from HK to Auckland. It just that I forgot to take a picture since I just woke up. I can't remember what we exactly had for the Auckland - Wellington flight but I was sure I had an OJ and chips plus their exclusive candies. :)

For best deals on tickets, always remember to book your flights in advance and check all possible airlines offering flights to your destination. Will post some more pictures of our NZ trip.

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